Best-in-Class Talent, Small Town Charm: Your Creative Partner.

An end-to-end content marketing studio building your next biggest asset: a community of brand advocates.

We Work With:

Tech startups

Early stage tech startups that have identified product market fit and are ready to amplify their reach on social media. Startups we work with generally have a marketing team of 0-4 and come to us for our social media expertise.

Service Businesses

Service businesses that have gotten by on their own thus far but are ready for an expert to craft strategies that communicate their unique story in a way that resonates with their target market.

Solopreneurs and Founders

Solopreneurs and founders who want to establish thought leadership through educational content and drive traffic to their business.

Hey, I’m Sam!

I’ve not only been in the social media space but working with early stage startups on content creation & strategy since 2017.

I’ve built social media accounts from scratch to 2M+ monthly organic reach. I’ve run marketing departments at high growth startups, crafted & executed marketing strategies that generated over $1M in a month.

I *love* the energy, heart, and speed of the startup space. I created Saturday Media in 2021 to serve as a true marketing partner. I understand the unique challenges and constraints you face, and bring scrappiness, an always open experimental mind, and subject matter expertise to the table.

When I’m not working on content, I have the privilege of serving as the Marketing Instructor & Advisor for NC State’s Launchpad Startup Incubator.

As Seen In:

Our expertise allows you to:

Focus on your business, grow a community of brand advocates that are loyal and engaged with your content, and have peace of mind that no matter the pivot or challenge we have the expertise and experience to navigate it with you.


0 %
Average email open rate for clients
0 M+
Highest Organic Monthly Reach on Single Account
0 +
Tiktoks Produced
Fun Facts

Let's Get Personal

I’ve moved cross country by myself - twice!

I’m a BIG survivor nerd.

I’m a North Carolina native, but have lived in San Francisco and upstate New York!

I started my first business at 13 walking neighborhood dogs & getting groceries for neighbors (before the days of Instacart).

Past Features

Past Clients

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